Basic guardianship info
When we think of "guardianship", we generally think of situations where someone is acting in a parental role and making decisions on behalf of a child or minor. This is, of course, one kind of guardianship. It is probably the most common type; however, it is by no means the only type. In fact, the term can apply to any situation where legal representation and protective services are necessary for an individual who is unable to make life directing and maintaining decisions on his or her own. This could be because of the person's youth. However, it could also be for other reasons, such as the person's physical or mental state.
Do you have questions about when a legal guardianship is needed - and how it works? Do you need some basic legal guardianship info? Are you looking into adoption or child guardianship? You can find guardianship info right here on the Sand Castles, Inc., Web site. We provide services to assist with these situations and more such as online counseling services. Just follow the provided links to read more. Then, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Know your alternatives: guardianship, more
In life, you have to make many choices. Some of them can be quite difficult. When it comes to the really tough decisions, like whether or not legal guardianship for family members or friends has become necessary, it is important to explore all of the alternatives. Guardianship, after all, is a big step - for all of the parties involved. At Sand Castles, Inc., we know this. And, we want you to make the best informed choice possible for you and your loved ones. So, we are here to listen carefully to the details of your situation and help you to thoroughly weigh all of your alternatives, guardianship included.
Guardianship for family in crisis
When the question of guardianship arises, it is often as the result of some traumatic event, such as a death or an illness. Rest assured, here at Sand Castles, Inc., we are extremely sensitive to this fact. We specialize in cases of guardianship for family members in crisis. And, we make it our priority to treat each person involved with the respect and dignity that he or she deserves.